Creating a Python program that Runs Splunk Headless

I am currently working on a python program that will reach out to a Splunk server through it management port (typically port 8089) and send a search to that server. Future additions to the program will include getting the results and formatting the results and potentially an ability to send check if a Splunk server was running an HTTP Event Collector (HEC), what available tokens are, and the ability to send data to that HEC.

The modules that are currently in the works is an script that will take the Splunk hostname, username, password, and, if running the Splunk daemon on a different port, the Splunk daemon port. This module will return a session key to the calling program as a string, or if running by itself it outputs it to the screen. Potential changes to this would be to implement a switch statement functionality that changes the output mode.

Another module in the works is the module. This module contains two functions so far, one that sends searches to the Splunk backend and another that retrieves the status of the search. Future additions will be actually receiving the search and formatting it.

You can find the repository HERE.