Description of the Project
I am currently working on a group project through my college capstone course. This project will allow users to search through shared recipes and select one they’d like to cook. After they select it, it creates a grocery list for the user with the correct amount that they would need to make that recipe. We are calling it The Grocery Frugal.
I was selected as the backend developer due to my knowledge and experience with Object Relational Mappers (ORM) and my understanding of SQL databases. Due to the program being written in Java, I chose Hibernate for our ORM and PostgreSQL for the backend database. The database is a cloud based database being hosted by Heroku.
Once I am done with this class and I have some more free time, I’m contemplating on coding this out as a web app and hosting it on Heroku. Another option that I am exploring is hosting it on a docker swarm in my homelab in order to practice some of my DevOps skills and to practice CI/CD.